Prompt film: Asked Chicagoans on social media to post their goals in the comment section.
We would then plant them with bulbs on The 606.
Planting film: Fulfilled our promise of planting Chicagoans' goals in physical form (on biodegradable paper)
directly from the comment sections.
Collaboration with perspective artist Kurt Wenner. Those walking by Daley Plaza in downtown Chicago posed for a photo-op on The 606.
THE 606
The 606 is a three-mile-long elevated park in Chicago. We were presented with two challenges: gathering support for the project from everyday Chicagoans and potential donors, and creating ads about a park while it was still under construction.
The City of Chicago
CD: Tony Rogers and
Brent Fagerburg
CW: Jeremy Bersano and
Daniel Thorne
Photographer: Lisa Predko
Account: Grant Keller, Tanya Bennett and Maria Prysock
Producer: Chris Rocco
Planner: Jani Wescott